If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

There's a noise in his head and he's out of control

Art Brut in my head today. Fun fun.

Weekend has been good. Friday I went back to the sketchtastic impound lot to schedule a towing hearing, after Ben's dad was nice enough to get ANOTHER letter notarized and faxed saying that I could represent him at a hearing.

Oh shit. I hope they gave me back the copy of that. They must have.

Did some cleaning and practicing. Played the wedding songs for Marc and Kendra, who were pleased. Went to Feed for dinner with Benny- fried catfish!! Bought some rugs for the apartment, which were a gift from Ben's mom's cousin Robin. Stayed in to finish setting up the apartment, put out the rugs, hung the last of the pictures, cleaned up.

Saturday was a wonderful day. Slept in for the first time in weeks and weeks. My parents and Julia came to see our new house for the first time. It was gorgeous out, and we grilled brats and corn and had a caprese salad with tomatoes from Grandma's garden and the basil Ben and I have been growing. Had ice cream at the place across the street from work, showed them the room I teach in, walked around. It was interesting to see their understanding of Lincoln Park grow. At first they were just commenting on the beautiful architecture of brand-spankin-new condo complexes and landscaping, but as the afternoon progressed my dad asked if there were any non-toddler kids in the neighborhood, and mom got shocked that my classes are basically only nannies, and asked if there are any old people, and commented that the wrought iron gates looked nice but gave a bit of a "keep out" feeling. Very homogeneous. It was great to just hang out and take it easy with my family though, and they loved our house. I love it too. Now that it's all set up and stuff. It's awesome.

When they left we decided to go over to the Chopin for some theater. We got in at the last minute to a sold-out showing of The Dumbwaiter/The Zoo Story. I loved both plays, and they made me remember how much I love to see live theater and people who want to make it and the unique way it is able to reflect humanity. It made me want to try writing plays, in addition of course to making me want to be in plays and direct them and play with interperetation and the shifting conveyance of meaning. Ah! I loved it. It was the greatest thing we could have done with the evening. After the show we walked up to six corners to eat pizza, drink beer and do the crossword puzzle at Santullos. Then we sat on top of a newspaper box on the corner and watched people walking by. We went home at 1 and I had to be at work in the morning, but I was unsleepy. #1 because new neighbors at the condo next door are apparently going to have raging loud keggers every night on their porch, #2 because I had coffee at the show, #3 because I was filled with artistic fervor. The play and the people watching made me anxious to be more creative, and to update my style. Since I have no money for clothes I started exploring my options for altering clothes I have but don't wear for whatever reason. Trying to up the cool biker quotient of my wardrobe, as it is all DIY, cost effective and hot. Sat on the bathroom floor with scissors cutting off pant bottoms and sleeves until 2:30. It made me think of a scene on Wishbone where Joe is sitting on his bed, cutting the sleeves off all of his t-shirts to be one of the cool kids. And Wishbone's like, "What, are you against sleeves now?" It embarrassed me.

It probably won't make me seem like a badass hot biker if I talk about Wishbone too much.


At 9/03/2006 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ARE SO crafty and artistic.
Here! I'll prove it. I'm going to give you some awesome links to DIY alter your own clothes sites, and you are going to look fabulous in one month.

Hillary's U-Sew.com
BUST's links to craft sites:
Austin Craft Mafia.com

go nuts!
love j

At 9/05/2006 6:47 PM, Blogger betsyjane said...

I just keep laughing everytime I think of the last line of this blog. Thanks for the smiles!!


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