If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

Day of awesome

Thursday was AWESOME.

I was in a great mood. The sun was out, I biked to work, it had finally stopped being rainy and gloomy, I drank coffee and got all revved up. Gigs were coming my way. I got booked for another birthday party in October. I picked up some sub shifts for WW. A friend at the school suggested we make some music together. Andrea and Aerin were scheduling rehearsals for their I heard they needed a last minute sub for the kids piano classes the next day and I offered, but it was already set. Then I got another call; they needed a sub THAT AFTERNOON. So, I finished my shift at the desk, jumped on my bike, and zipped over to the other location of the school to teach two kids piano classes. It was awesome! I taught piano lessons to little kids! It's a team taught class, so we did some group games and stuff, and then the kids go one at a time with one of the teachers for a private lesson. So that's what I did. I was very excited and proud.

I am amazed that I am a real music teacher, a musician who makes a (meager) living teaching and performing and working at a music school. At the wedding people complimented me and asked if I "did this for a living." And I got to say... well, yes, kind of. Awesome!

Thursday night continued to be great. I was in such a good mood, and Ben put me in an even better mood. Cooked me a delicious mushroom scramble with red peppers and feta, and took lots of funny pictures on his computer, and had a goood time. Then we biked to Handlebar for an ice cream sundae dessert, sat outside, it was so fun.

Friday was pretty good too. Went to guitar class and yoga, did laundry, talked to mom on the phone, fired up the grill. Kendra and Marc gave us tons of leftover meat from their wedding. We made a sign for the front of our freezer to remind us how much meat is in there so we can check it off when we eat it. We can now check off one giant delicious steak.

With our bellies full once again of steak and wine we hopped on our bikes and went to Victry Gardens to see Maggie (formerly Turnski), my friend from high school, in Come Back Little Sheba. My friend Kevin was in some shows we saw there, and he was at the show with some friends. It was crazy to see Maggie on stage, but it was a great production and we had a good time. I hadn't told her we were coming, but my laugh apparently alerted her of my presence. After the show we got some drinks at Red Lion, and then at Delilah's. It was a good time.

Saturday work all day. Ben worked too down in Hyde Park. It was Apple Fest in Lincoln Square. On my lunch break I walked down and bought a piece of not so good pie. The I bought a bag of apples to make my own oh so good pie. Hooray for fall.


At 9/18/2006 8:46 AM, Blogger Chrissie said...

What is your favorite eating apple? Mine right now is Gala, and Honey Crisp, but I never can find Honey Crisp in the stores.


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