If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.


I like that I work in a place that has a pencil sharpener. It reminds me of the time someone in Jesse's dorm at the music conservatory was roaming the halls looking for a pen, and nobody had one.

I had a dream that my family was on vacation in some kind of lodge and Jesse was supposed to meet us there, but he got kidnapped and they were going to kill him, and we didn't know what to do and we were trying to use the internet to contact people and the phone was ringing but we weren't sure if we should answer it or not and it was very tense and I felt so bad that I hadn't gone to see Jesse's musical this past weekend because now he was going to be dead. Good thing it was just a dream. But I'm still sad I didn't get to see his show.

I've been dreaming a lot lately which is good because it means I'm getting good sleep. Although it seems I feel sore all the time. This is maybe because I'm biking more with the spring-ish weather we're having from time to time. Or wearing high heeled shoes? I don't know. I keep having crazy cramps in yoga class where I have to break out of whatever pose I'm doing and stand up straight again so my hips stop winding into tiny knots.

Yesterday was a good day. I was overcome by springtime and spent the day sweeping our walkway, picking out plants and soil at the 'Po, potting pansies and filling our home and yard with living things. A homeless man asked if he could help me clean up the garbage in our alley and as I had no cash I gave him a bagel sandwich and a banana. Did laundry, was productive. Helped Ben make good pasta dinner. Went to guitar class and then came home and Ben and I split a bottle of Trois Pistoles and got all giggly.

Today was also a good day. Back on my birthday, Emily told me that as her gift to me she wanted to host a get-together of some kind and cook food for me and friends. This idea developed into a lunchtime cook-out today at Emily's nice little apartment, which is on the same block as the school, which means that people actually came because they didn't have to leave Lincoln Square. A lot of folks showed up and we ate all kinds of grilled things and a big chocolate strawberry trifle and a drink Jenna brought called a slippery fish. We talked and played with her dog Hank and pretended it was not dropping 20 degrees over the course of the afternoon.

Sunday was the annual wigglwrms retreat. Everyone left rejuvenated with lots of new ideas and fun songs. That night was another good gig at Duke's. Having fun with Baba M@nouche.

Saturday good rehearsal with Congress of St@rlngs. Saw a great movie at the Music Box; everyone go see Black Book.

Friday my dad and sister came to town. They visited my WW class and then we got some Italian ice. We spent the afternoon walking and shopping a little bit in Wicker Park, playing Catch Phrase, and then we went out to dinner at Lula before they headed back to Milwaukee. That night I saw William Elliott Whitmore play at the school; he was opening for the North Mississippi All Stars, and I went to see him with my friend Kevin because we always listen to his stuff on our shifts. It turned out to be a weird show. The school reeked of pot because the NMAS are a super jam band. WEW was wasted and only played 5 or 6 songs and we didn't get to talk with him at all. Then the next band dragged on and on, Kevin left before the show was over and I was stuck there by myself listening to 15-minute slow jams. It was lame.

Fading back further into the week... Fun at Handlebar with Ben... Babysitting Finn a lot.... Saw Emily at Davenports... Went to Body Worlds with the Chandlers... Easter in Milwaukee with the W-Ks, made a big salad with Julia, sent Mom off on her mission trip, dinner at Comet, rented Millions and Children of Men...

Springtime, keep a'comin!


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