If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

Crash, recovery

So I wrote that last post in the final moments before my busy lifestyle switched from stimulating to exhausting. I didn't get enough sleep that night, or the night before, or the night after, or the night after that, and I became a zombie sometime Thursday afternoon. Zombie-Lindsay babysat for Finn and was glad when his dad came home early at 9pm, had a long day of Worms on Friday, napped, went to see Pirates 3 with Jessica from Texas who is the new girl at work, subbed four kids guitar classes early Saturday morning and only lost control of one of them, dropped off her guitar for fancifying at the store. At this point the zombie was barely able to bus it home in the rain, and once she got in she plopped on the couch and watched Dick Tracy on TV until it was time to play with Fiona for a couple of hours. Momentarily recharged by the power of cute baby, it seemed like a good idea to head over to the Handlebar for dinner with Ben, where the two of them made the most pitiful attempt at the Reader crossword puzzle ever. Zombies are bad at crossword puzzles. The next morning was Bike the Drive, which is so awesome, but when the alarm went off at 5:30am it was drizzling, and Lindsay was still a zombie, and for some reason her right knee had been bothering her, and so it was decreed that she would sleep in until she was no longer a zombie.

After five or so more hours I woke up, and was myself once again! Ben and I had a lovely Sunday, with the right amount of sleeping in and running errands and relaxing and getting things done around the house. He made a yummy scramble, and we ran to some grocery stores and spent the day cooking and cleaning in preparation for our Memorial Day cookout. Sunday night Baba had a gig at Duke's, which was for whatever reason our best one yet. Perhaps it was because it felt like Saturday night instead of Sunday. In any case it was solid and fun, and I was proud of the band and glad to be part of it.

Monday we woke up early-ish to get the pork shoulder on the grill and the pie in the oven. We put out a great spread for our friends, mostly thanks to Ben's cooking ambition and initiative: pulled pork sandwiches with homemade chili rub and barbecue sauce, specially spiced cheeseburgers with the cheese inside, homemade pesto pasta salad, homemade mango salsa, cornbread cooked in cast iron, melon, grapefruit, carrots, grilled portobellos and fennel and peppers, brownies from scratch and a strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla frozen custard. People were over between 2:30 and 9, and we consumed lots of beer and margaritas and food. Hosting a party is my favorite.

I am glad to not be a zombie. Gotta love the moneys, but I love feeling like myself even more.


At 5/30/2007 2:33 PM, Blogger j said...

wow. your foodstuffs sound awesome. someday i will be close enough to make it to a lindsay-ben hosted party, and it will be glorious.

At 5/31/2007 7:56 AM, Blogger betsyjane said...

WOW is right!! Sounds like a great time, except for the poop!! The food sounds so yummy... You should open a restaurant... or a bed and breakfast?!!? Perfect!!

You should host a family birthday celebration...If only there weren't so many of us!!! ARRRG!!! We can squoosh!!:)


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