If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.


My worst:

Being sick

I hate it. Most of the weekend I was fine. I worked all day Saturday, had dinner at Feed with Ben, played some video games at Mike's house and then went to the Pub in Hyde Park where we split a few pitchers and played shuffleboard. Fun. Woke up feeling good yesterday, drove down to Hyde Park again to see the Macalester choir sing at the service at Rockefeller chapel. It was a weird service, very empty and cold inside that big church, though the sermon was allright. My standards are high I think because I rarely go to church anymore since I always work on Sundays. The choir sounded all right, and it was really nice to see all the seniors who were freshmen my last year at Mac. I knew about 10 people, surprisingly. Lots of kids stuck with it. Nice to see them again, get updates on majors and studying abroad and engagements. As I left I found myself feeling lonely and moody, and figured it was just a product of nostalgia. At home I made some hummus and ate it with spicy chips during the Bears game, and started to feel mopey about Ben's focus on football instead of me, which made me embarrassed and grumpy. Soon I began to get a stomach ache, and wondered if all of these bad feelings were due to sickness. Ben left to watch the Colts game at Mikes, and I stayed home and watched my temperature rise. Also watched two Julia Roberts movies. By the time Ben got home I was at 100.1 and emailing WW teachers to find a sub for the next day's classes.

Today I haven't felt terrible, just upset stomach and achey and overwhelmed. No fever. No desire to eat. It's almost 5 now; since the hummos and chips yesterday at 2 I have eaten a bowl of oatmeal, half bowl of soup, cup of tea, some stray pecan pieces and noodles, and wheat thins. This is how I'm sure that I'm sick. Slept till 11 and have already taken an hour and a half nap. Just not quite up to par. I was making a mix CD and had to stop because it was too strenuous.

Maybe Pretty Woman is on TV. Cross your fingers!


At 1/22/2007 6:07 PM, Blogger Chrissie said...

This makes me feel better when I'm sick...it is what my mommy always tried to do...put a fresh pillow case on my pillow. It is nice...
Hope you are feeling better soon! Lots of cyber hugs, cuz the other kind might be contagious!

At 1/22/2007 6:19 PM, Blogger betsyjane said...

Maggie is sick too. Just got back from the Doctor. She's acting very STREP THROATish...but the rapid test came back negative. I'll call tomorrow to see if anything grows in the CULTURE!!

I'm feeling very down in the dumps today...perhaps I'm getting sick too. It has been 2 months since we've been sick here...and that is good!!

Hope you feel better soon. My Mom, also, used to change my pillow case and eventually sheets when I was sick...what a coincidence?? It does help!!

Love You!!

At 1/23/2007 2:54 PM, Blogger Joannie said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm, my mom used to take away my pillow when I was sick and replace it with a brick! Never made me feel better at all. Lindsay, I think I did that, didn't I? (The fresh pillowcase, I mean) Hope you are better today, and that life seems a bit more doable. I love you, and send a big maternal mama hug to enwrap you in your achyness. Also to Maggie! Feel better!

At 1/23/2007 3:02 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

I just clicked on your profile Mom, and was amazed to see that you are 250 years old! You really look young! Thanks for making me laugh.

You used to give me clean sheets, and you also used to bring a cool wet washcloth when my forehead was hot. And a bell to ring if I needed anything. That was neat.


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