Karma, bite me.

The good news is that I won the cookie contest. Oh yes. I did. Hands down. Inside the bag (shown above) were some snazzy new spatulas, a set of small bowls and a bench scraper. My cookies were definitely the freshest at the party, as I started making them at 5:45 when I got home from work and had to get them to the judges table by 8. I barely made it, but they were chocolatey beyond belief and they blew away the judges. I called them Santa's Fantasy Cookies, and they were made with 4 kinds of chocolate and a final little dusting of crushed candy canes. And I had a fun time at the party and everyone liked my cookies and cards and presents and outfit and I joined a band on stage to sing Son of a Preacher, only they didn't remember all of the chords and I didn't remember all of the words. It was okay because everyone was drunk and happy.
Maybe you'd think that I won because I have been spending all of my time working away to spread Christmas cheer. Finally my good will and favors to others and responsibility and diligence was paying off, right?
My wallet is gone. Again. After much searching and deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that it fell out of my pocket when I used the bathroom at a coffee shop on Friday night and somebody took it. I didn't notice it was gone until Sunday morning; I thought I'd just forgotten it at home on Saturday, which was a pain in the ass anyway, since that was the extra shift I'd picked up and it was the busiest day at the desk I have ever experienced, and I had no means to buy anything to eat all day. But come Sunday morning, it was nowhere to be found. It's gone again. My new license, my new debit card, my new wallet that Ben made me, two Starbucks gift cards from WW parents. I never even used the debit card. Just activated it and put it in my wallet. When I wrote in this blog on Saturday that I'd gotten all my wallet stuff figured out? I'd already lost everything and I didn't even know. Plus a pretty good chunk of cash, which I'd been using exclusively due to having my cards all stolen a week and a half ago.
Seriously. I can't believe this.
Ben was in Buffalo this weekend seeing a Bills game with Mike, Neal and Pete. They were driving back Sunday night and were planning to drop Ben off at the party. I was also planning on this. So I drank my drinks since I had a driver for the way home. Told everyone who asked that Ben was coming later, he's coming late. All these people who know me so well who barely know him if they know him at all, who I'm eager for him to meet and get to know. Borrowed money from people since I had none; "I'll pay you back when Ben gets here!"
My secret santa gave me a hat.
At quarter to eleven I got a text from him saying that traffic was bad and they weren't going to make it in time. He didn't get to see me win my cookie prize or sing or dance or meet any of the people who I had told that he was coming later. It just never works out for them to meet him, and he remains this mysterious name that is connected to me. I was embarrassed and sad, and I had to wait until 1:30 before I was good to drive home. Ben came home sometime in the night.
My final Monday WW were today. Overall they were fun. I had been excited about them, and after checking out all the fun presents other teachers got from their students this weekend I was also a little excited to see what gifts might be in store for me. Nobody brought me anything and a ton of kids didn't show up for the final class.
Then Ben called me from work to say that he had food poisoning and didn't think he could take the train all the way home. I managed to go to the bank and order a new debit card before I drove all the way down to Hyde Park to get him. He's in bad shape. Then we drove all the way back to our apartment. I dropped him off and went to the post office to buy stamps (which I wanted to do on Saturday except I had no wallet to buy them) and get my cards in the mail, bought a burrito, came home and ate it in the corner of the living room that was not covered with scraps and garbage from my fiasco of wallet searching, craft making and cookie baking that occupied all of my weekend free time. Now he's upstairs. I just brought him a banana and water and saltines. I'll go check later to see if he could keep them down.
I was supposed to do a bunch of shopping today. Then my plans changed and I was supposed to go get a new license today. Now I guess my plans are cleaning my disgusting apartment while my sick boyfriend sleeps upstairs.
Earlier this year I had my wallet stollen out of my car at church and then out of my car in the drive way the night we got back from Door County. I too, after going 7 years with the same Driver's License ended up going through 3 in just 2 months. New debit and credit cards...mine even had fraudulent charges at gas stations around town that I had to dispute. It just really makes you have to be really aware of what you are doing all the time...I'm bad at that.
You know, I'd have thought that a duct tape wallet would have been so special that no one would steal it. But, perhaps it was too amazing. Oh Well...you won the contest!! That's awesome!!
Can't wait till Christmas!! Bring some of your award winning cookies!!
Love, Betsy
P.S. No picture
No picture!!
Picture fixed!
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