If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

I don't like bugs.

Nope. Don't like 'em.

I'm terribly ashamed of the fact that I'm scared of bugs. Outside? Not really a problem. But inside? They make me uncomfortable. Heebie jeebies. I avoid them. Once there was a spider hanging from the ceiling during my shower, going up and down on her little thread. And I was okay with her as long as she'd stay up in that corner, but when she dropped down, I'd get all creeped out, and anxious, and hold my arms all close in front of my chest with my hands in fists like a cartoon scared lady. For the most part I'm cool with spiders; I just leave them be. We get these little strawberry root weevils in our house all summer; I can ignore them or flick them away. But still, I don't like them. Centipedes are the worst. So fast and crawly!! I remember in college when I lived in GDD we got these boxelder beetles that freaked me out so much... they wouldn't die if you smashed them, or they'd make a loud sound.... When I was a little girl I used to wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares about ants or bugs crawling everywhere, and I'd want to go to my parents' room but I was too scared to put my feet on the floor because I was convinced it was covered in crawling things. I would lie there paralyzed by my own imagination. It was terrible.

Don't like bugs. Am a scaredy wuss.

This morning I was getting ready to go teach WW, first classes of the session, trying to plan and head out early, when I noticed the HUGE COCKROACH IN OUR HALLWAY.

Ah! Ah! Fuck! Fuuucccck!! Ahhhhhhwwwoooooowwahhhhh!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!.... Fuck!

I think it's a cockroach, but it was black and not reddish. It was about two inches long. If we have roaches I'm going to die. I almost left the house right then, trying to convince myself that nobody would care if I didn't brush my teeth today. But I didn't want this stupid bug to have control over me, and I wanted to be a grownup and responsible and not a scaredy chicken shit, so I waited for it to crawl past the bathroom door and went in, and brushed my teeth, looking back at it the whole time. But then it stayed in front of the door, and I had to leave, I didn't want to be late, but I was all riled up and scared feeling and couldn't leave the fucking bathroom and I was so mad at that little fucking bug and my stupid scared fucking self. I waited for it to keep walking, and it did, and I could finally get past it. I knew I should kill it. I didn't want to leave and spend the rest of the day and night and tomorrow and tomorrow wondering where it was, waiting for it to crawl on me. I wanted to be tough and not scared but the truth is I was REALLY SCARED and angry and all worked up, and kept convulsing into a little ball when I tried to get my nerve up.

I finally took the big stack of magazines on our coffee table and when it was in the corner I dropped them on it. I yelped and jumped away. Good job scaredy me.

Does anyone want to clean up a big stack of magazines? There happens to be one in the corner by my bathroom. It might be there for some time.

I was totally shaken up and must have looked like a crazy person walking to my car, twitching and shuddering and talking to myself and trying to calm down but failing. Furiously embarrassed by myself. What a way to start a new session of classes.

Ah fuck! You fucking bug! You make me into a ridiculous girly twit! I hate you! I hate you, adrenaline! I hate you, phobia! I hate you, overactive emergency response system! I hate you, ceaseless fearful imagination! Get it together! This is not who I want to be!


At 6/29/2007 4:18 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

UPDATE: I cleaned up the smashed bug AND cooked myself some pasta with garlic sausage, onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil and parmesan. Yeah baby. I'm on a roll.

At 6/29/2007 5:02 PM, Blogger Chrissie said...

And what is the fate of that brave magazine at the bottom of the pile? Hopefully you already read it????

Lindsay, I think you earned some more gelato!!

At 7/02/2007 6:47 AM, Blogger Isabel said...

so proud of you for cleaning up the bug mess. the story of the bug freak-out sounds reminiscent of me in uganda, talking shit about how i didn't care about the rats, and then shrieking and practically jumping on a chair when one ran across the floor.

not my finest moment.

so yes, i sympathise. and i love you! yes, i do!

At 7/04/2007 11:10 AM, Blogger Meara said...

1. Make a fear hierarchy. Put something only mildly scary at the bottom, like looking at cute cartoon bugs.
2. Expose yourself to something at the bottom of the fear hierarchy, while practicing deep breathing and feeling relaxed.
3. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
4. Move up the hierarchy until you can squash bugs to your heart's content.
5. Do something that is incompatible with being scared, like singing a song or talking to the bug.

At 7/06/2007 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went through a similar freak out when there was a mouse cohabiting with me briefly this winter. I contemplated never coming back home and just getting all new stuff because of the mouse. Then I decided to name it Jo-Jo and would talk to it while I was home and think about its little mouse family. I was finally able to allow Jo-Jo to run out the back door one evening instead of flipping out and scaring it into the closet. Haven't seen Jo-Jo since, and I like to think that because I stopped freaking out, Jo-Jo is living a better life at the Taco Bell around the corner.

Basically, Meara's advice is the way to go.



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