If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

Boo sickness!

Uhh, being sick is so BORING. My fever is gone, and my sickness is now localized to my throat instead of my whole body. Hopefully that will clear up, at least enough to get five hours of singing out of myself for classes and my gig tomorrow. I went to work today, and it was pretty slow so it was very doable. But man, I read the whole internet four times yesterday and today there was nothing new. I came home kind of early and there's nothing to do. It's beautiful out but I'm not up for biking or picnicking (I love the K in picnicking) or walking around. I have some songs I'm working on but my brain's too lame to be creative. I had to turn down an invitation from Molly to do 10 cent wings tonight. Boo! I love wings! I love beer too! Boo resting! Boo lethargia! Boooo!

This is why kings and queens have court jesters. I would like a court jester to come and entertain me now. Or maybe.... A ride on a train? Through the country with pretty music? Or a sunset. I could totally handle a sunset. Or maybe home movies.

I have a strong belief that in Heaven there is this room with big comfy chairs and a big TV, and you can go there and watch movies of any point in history. But mostly of your own life. So you can finally settle arguments about what really happened, and see the good times over and over, and see what you were like as a little kid, or what your parents were like as kids, or what it was like to just be in a normal day at any point in time. And since it's heaven it's real easy to forgive everyone in case you find out something that might hurt your feelings. I feel like watching those movies right now. Flipping through nostalgic memories.

I'm seriously going to be so bummed if that's not part of Heaven. I think about it all the time. It has helped me to put to rest many worries, second-guesses, and wonderings.


At 9/21/2007 7:31 AM, Blogger Joannie said...

Yeah, to quote you in paragraph one, "My brain's to lame to be creative." If that's the case, I'd like to read your blog when you are!! Very poignant comments, honey. I hope you are up to your peppy self real soon. I am dragging with the same gunkiness. (spell check just gave me the option of funkiness or punkiness for my chosen word!) I'm home today, if you'd like to talk.


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