If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.


That was the sound of me finally getting a sip of coffee this morning.

I ran out of half and half. It's the lamest! When for some reason I am not able to make coffee at home I always think it will be a great way to kick start my day because I'll have a reason to go out first thing in the morning. Or sometimes when I'm in a hurry to get to work and I plan on saving time by not making it at home just getting some coffee once I get there. These plans BACKFIRE because without coffee I lack the gumption or focus to get myself to the coffeeshop in any kind of sensible time frame. It was almost 11 by the time I got to this coffeeshop. WTF. A cruel paradox of nature. And drugs.

I would like to point out that there was not a post in the last five days entitled "Guacamole Beer Dinner," even though Ben was in New York. I was busy and ate well and missed him but it didn't really matter that he was gone. In fact I had a really nice weekend. I think I finally grew up enough to be pretty happy on my own.* I even killed three centipedes.** I'm getting pretty good at managing my time and working on many projects at once with limited moping.

The weekend was largely focused on my kids' show at the Beat Kitchen on Sunday. This was the first time I played a kids' show with a band that I had put together. It was also the first time I played at a rock club, even though it was at noon on a Sunday. I was nervous. My bandmates were Heather, who is my co-piano teacher and who sings and played piano and bass, and Tom on the banjo. I hadn't really seen Tom since the last time we played music this summer when after several critiques of my sloppy guitar playing he told me that although my songs were "cute," he didn't really get their appeal. That statement was one in a series of three low blows to my musical self-esteem that came from different directions, all fell within one week, and left my confidence pretty shaken. That put the temporary kibosh on working towards recording an album and taught me once again what it is like to be nervous for a performance. This is why I was so nervous for the show of my songs at the loft party and for this kids' show.

And they both went great!

I was pleased with the songs I picked for the kids' show, I was pleased with the sound of the band, I was pleased with the audience involvement and the fun props and things I had at the show. Heather and Tom were happy to be involved and we all enjoyed ourselves. I even got some nice compliments on my originals. I am now eager for another kids' show and have already lined up someone who has agreed to record my kids' album.

The craziest part of the show was once we got there and realized we had forgotten music stands and they had none there.... We needed them as we'd only had one rehearsal and glasses-less Tom can only see about 4 feet in front of him. Heather ran to the music store down the street: closed. We were running out of time, and I finally gave my car keys and credit card to one of the two sound guys and asked him to run to Guitar Center to pick some up. He did, and didn't even drive to Mexico or buy himself any guitars or anything.


The rest of my weekend included lots of music, biking, drinking and dancing. Friday night I biked way out to a house party at Cicero and Addison to see Orange Mighty Tri0 with Lara. I think if I can just make sure I see those guys play every so often I will have enough happiness to last me through my entire life. I am their biggest fan. Lara and I got totally drenched on the long ride back to the Hideout, where I stayed just long enough to realize how wet my socks were before heading home to cozy it up. Saturday I was at OTS all day, subbing WW and rehearsing and subbing piano. Then I made a mellow fall mix for Becca's mix-CD exchange party and biked up to her lovely Lincoln Square apartment. There was dancing and Beatles on the TV and my second-ever Jello shot. Sunday after the show I had lunch and a bloody mary with Heather and later saw Steve Daws0n and Frank R0saly play a show at the Double Door. Monday my long teaching day, plus a C0me Sunday rehearsal for our show next week, and came home to see Ben who made it back from New York.

Now I am late for my yoga class and I promised myself I wouldn't skip it this week! It's been nice blogging with you.

*On my own = With the cat
**These three were teeny little baby centipedes, but I killed them good. I chickened out and left the huge one on the bathroom wall alone.


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