Officially winter
Snow and everything. Windows are all plasticked, scarf/mittens/hat are part of the daily ensemble, hot beverages always sound good.
This life as a music teacher is going pretty well. I'm making enough money and have a healthy amount of free time. I wish I was better at working on my own stuff in my own time but I'm learning. I end up being fairly productive, in a blogging/cleaning/homemaking kind of way, but I got a call from my friend Liz yesterday who was asking for some contact info regarding a grant she was applying for. For an art installation she wanted to put together. A grant that I told her about, at a venue I told her about. I'm in awe of her self-motivation.
Stuff I keep meaning to work on:
-practicing guitar/piano
-writing songs
-making lesson plans
-checking out piano books/curriculums
-finding new songs for WW and especially Lullabies
-the elusive recording of a children's album
Somehow these things always end up at the bottom of my priority list. Today, for example, I bet I'll get around to a load of laundry and browsing recipes for Thanksgiving and shopping for boots on the internet, but we'll see if my guitar or keyboard make it out of their cases.
I just stepped away from the computer and during that break read this in an article with Judy Blume: "I used to have to clean out all my closets and drawers before I could begin a new book. I'd think up excuse after excuse because beginning is the hardest part for me. I still think up excuses but they have less to do with cleaning out closets." I guess I'm not the only one. Thanks, Judy Blume. You still know how to make me feel better about my insecurities.
I read that in the introduction to this book which Ben bought me recently. Ben has been doing some great stuff for me lately, like surprising me with a turtle sundae from Scooters after I mentioned a craving for a hot fudge sundae after dinner, and taking me out to a super fancy and delicious restaurant for our 9 year (gulp) anniversary. That meal was incredible, which I fortunately still remember despite the fact that we were both TRASHED by the time we got home. The blessing and the curse of a BYOB restaurant. 10 courses. 4 blocks from home. 3 and a half hours. 3 bottles of wine. 2 people. D'OH.
I guess you just gotta celebrate a few months of high school dating + 3 summers at home + 4 college years long distance + 5 years of shacking up in style.

She's taken to coming to snuggle on weekend mornings with her body under the covers. Did I ever tell you that she is the greatest flippin' cat ever.

It's A Girl AKA The Freddies at the Tonic Room
And the many faces of Halloween 2008:

I wasn't sure about your Halloween costume. I knew you were a Babe but Mom had to explained to me that you were a blue ax. I guess I don't know that book cause I didn't get it.
Keep up the great work and work on your stuff! We're lovin' you TONS.
Lindsay, you and ben and adeline are the cutest family ever. Glad to hear the music teacher thing is still going well, I've been thinking about going into that lately as well. I'm SO excited to see you for thanksgiving, and I can't wait any longer...isn't it thanksgiving yet? I love you and I'm glad to hear things are going well!
Your ever-loving sister
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