If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.


I subbed 4 classes in a row this morning. It was hard work. I've been kind of gross in the sinuses, and singing for four hours for babies who never met me before was not the easiest on my voice! But it went well. I like subbing. Babies tend to be interested in you because you are a person they've never seen before, as opposed to subbing for like 6th graders who know you are a person that has never seen THEM before and are prepared to take advantage of that fact.

Now I'm at the Grind, my favorite little coffee shop near the school, killing some time in the neighborhood before heading over to Jenna's at 5:30. We're having a book discussion about the book Life of Pi with a bunch of coworkers. We are each going to bring a pie. We are big nerds. I made apple cranberry.

Something smells kind of chocolatey. Thus, awesome.

This week has been kind of nice. A tiny bit less busy. On Monday Ben had a very bad day because he got in his first car accident ever. A tiny fender bender, but no fun! To cheer him up we went to Feed for dinner and then hung out and had tea at Filter.

Tuesday was the normal busy day, but I got to work with Aerin that night, which was super excellent fun. We figured out how to use the conference call button on our phones and for a minute or two, 7 lines in the front desk and music store at the two schools were tied up because we were all on the phone with each other. We went to a new bar after work, had a good time. It occured to me that Tap After Tape was always on Tuesday nights, and I was glad that Tuesday is still my happy drinking night. Not really sure why, but Tuesday is a great night for fun times.

Wednesday Ben and I got dinner at Taco Veloz and then went to Hyde Park; there was an early free screening of Stranger Than Fiction at the movie theater he used to run on campus. We hung out in the Pub playing shuffleboard before waiting in the freezing night for half an hour and then seeing the movie with a jillion collegey collegey college kids. It was a very strange crowd. Everyone was ready to burst out laughing at absolutely anything at the drop of a hat, just because Will Farrell was on the screen. I liked the movie a lot, but as Ben said, it's like Will Ferrell's Truman Show. Still funny but a lot more story oriented than his usually slapstick goofy stuff.

Thursday I made the pie. I can't wait to taste it. It looks very flakey.

After the book club tonight Emily is playing at the Old T*wn School!! It is a big deal. She's really nervous about it. Even though she is totally amazing. It's weird, and so great, to have friends who make music that is SO GOOD that when you go to see their shows, it's not just because you're friends, it's because they are able to blow your mind with their amazing performance and lyrics and soul. I'm really excited. You should check out her music. Buy a CD. The Barefoot Session is a good one.

Biking is AWESOME. Don't forget: biking is awesome. I've been doing it a lot. Yesterday I bought some sweet knee socks to keep me warm with my pants rolled up. I biked along the lakefront path yesterday after work. The sun was just just starting to set and it was beautiful and very life-giving.

Ben just told me that he's going to Indianapolis on Saturday and coming back Sunday afternoon. I gotta find fun stuff happening tomorrow so I don't get lonely. Oh! Maybe I will go see Lez Zeppelin with my work friends! I hear they rock like you'd never believe.


At 11/10/2006 4:50 PM, Blogger j said...

i made a christmas list today and "sweet knee socks" to keep my leg warm whilst having my pants rolled up were definitely an item on it. tomorrow night i will wear knee socks and bike to the tap, where i shall propose a toast in your honor, and force evan to sing into a ketchup bottle.

At 11/11/2006 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lindsay, i'm reading a book right now that a russian friend loaned me, "naive, super" by norwegian author erland loe. the narrator quotes gary fisher, "anybody who rides a bike is a friend of mine," which made me think of you while reading this entry. i think you'd like the book.


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