If I Only Had A Blog

I could while away the hours, conferrin with the flowers, consultin with the logs. And my head I'd be scratchin while my thoughts were busy hatchin if I only had a blog. I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le in trouble or in fog. With the thoughts I'd be thinkin, I could be another Lincoln if I only had a blog. I would not be just a nuffin, my head all full of stuffin, my heart all full of smog. I would dance and be merry; life would be a ding-a-derry if I only had a blog.

totally solid

Sorry about that long post the other day. I realized it's an indication of one of my personality traits, and that is my inability to skip any steps of a process that I've thought about taking. For example, before I go to work, I like to get up and dressed, make coffee, eat breakfast, wash my face, fix my hair, put on a little makeup and brush my teeth. Then I get my stuff together, fill a water bottle, and go out the door. I usually get up about 7:50 to do this stuff and get out the door around 8:30. If I sleep in and don't get up until 8:05, I will still do all of this stuff. I realize that I could just get up, put on clothes and a hat and chomp on a stick of gum and get out the door, but it is incredibly difficult for me not to do all the things in my normal routine. That's part of the reason why I'm just a little bit late everywhere. It's a problem that I have been working on, with the help of my intensely punctual boyfriend, to both his approval and chagrin. Chagrin because I'm still not very good at it. Lots of days I think, "Maybe I'll just never be late again! I'll reform! I can change! I can be on time!" And then I'll decide that I really want to wear these pants today, so I'll just realquick sew on this button before I leave because it will probably take only about 1 minute.... I'm wrong, and late.

In blog style, I hadn't blogged for two weeks, but I had thought about blogging lots of things during that two week period. So I had to write them all down before I was finished.

I'm a little bit crazy. I also obsessive-compulsively turn all four knobs on the oven clockwise as far as they will go to the OFF position, all the time, even when they're already off. I probably do this at least once a day, and in other people's houses.

Okay, that sounds really crazy. I'm not insane, I promise.

Although my comment to Chrissie in my last post was mostly a joke, I have been doing a fair amount of boozing lately. When you're so busy and working all the time, you feel like you have to make the most of it when you only have a couple hours at the end of the night, and so it's easy to up the ante on fun with some social lubricant. Believe it or not, a lot of the musicians and performers I work with are pretty good drinkers. That's how we roll at the OTS, and that's how we all get to love each other a lot and why our school has such a solid foundation of awesomeness. Well, plus all the talent.

Anyways, despite my solid foundation of awesomeness, I've somehow been feeling a little gross and flabby. Wasn't biking much cuz of the weather, hadn't done yoga in a few months. So this past week I put an end to that. Pulled out the ol' yoga CD and did an hour of practice on Tuesday before biking (2 miles) to work and then back that night. Biked up to Lincoln Square (5 miles) and back for work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Went to a great yoga class on Friday. Biked to Lincoln Park on Saturday and Sunday too. It has been cold this week, but sunny and gorgeous, and I LOVE biking in the cold. Even when it's only like 30 degrees, if you're dressed right, it's so great. After just this one week of keeping my bod a little healthier, I'm feeling so much better. My body is very grateful.

Last night Ben's family came to town to see a concert at my work, this Acoustic Africa show with some great folks from the Putomayo CD line. They took us out to dinner at Lula, my favoritest restaurant, and then to the show which was great fun. Two hours in a room brimming with positive energy and good rhythms and melodies. Loved it. Got my dance on.

Then Ben and I got slices at Santullos. Then I went home and put flannel sheets on the bed. Ohhhh, flannel sheets. I was sooooooooo cozy.


At 11/08/2006 7:57 AM, Blogger betsyjane said...

I love flannel too!! Enjoying your obsessive/compulsive tendency to write long blogs...


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