curse you, ragweed
My allergies have suddenly erupted. I keep remembering all these things that happen when the cold weather comes.... My sinuses become a problem which is constantly tended to, especially for singing. I feel like I have to drink tea all the time. My skin gets so dry. My hands are always cold. I have to wear a coat. The sidewalks lose their cafe tables and become vast bleak expanses of concrete.
Luckily I got one more amazing summer festival in last weekend. It was the 12th Annual Hideout Block Party, and it was faaaaaaaaaaantastic. I had to go to a WW conference thing on Saturday so I couldn't get there until about 6, but I did make it in time to see Neko Case headline.

Note: I didn't take any of these pictures, but found them all on Flickr tagged with Hideout Block Party.
Ben was there filming. He has been doing lots of video work lately and he just approached the owner of the Hideout and asked if anyone ever films the block party. Turns out nobody ever has, and Ben got hired to spend the weekend capturing the festival from all angles.

Late Saturday night Jesse got into town, and Sunday we went to the block party together. We biked over and then biked back home to get the tickets and biked back over again,

and started the day with bloody marys (do I have to capitalize that? Marys? Maries? maireeeeez) from Lily who was working at the bar.
The Jon Rauhouse Sexet that started the day was great.... everyone could use a little steel guitar and redheaded spitfire in the morning.

Pedal-powered TV, blender, shower with Working Bikes

Honeyboy Edwards is still doing his thing

The ever-entertaining PuppetBike

Lunch break bike ride to Pizza Metro, back in time for head-and-shoulders-singalong-watermelon-tossing antics of Tim Fite

Mucca Pazza

Mucca Pazza

Mucca Pazza

Mucca Pazza

Mucca Pazza

Mucca Pazza

I love the trombone girl. Actually I love all of them.
Robbie Fulks' Michael Jackson cover set complete with a full cast of zombies doing the Thriller dance through the fog. Incredible. Crappy Youtube video.

Lots of jumpy dancing to the New Pornographers my favoritest band.

And then more late night dancing to Ratatat and DJs and getting a backstage pass and watching from the roof of the Hideout as the whole thing came to a close.

Do you see?? It was so awesome! I was sore from dancing and my ears were ringing and I was bursting with joy. What a day.
It was great having Jesse there, because we share a lot of appreciation for the same stuff in music. He loved Mucca Pazza of course. Of course! You also love them! Everyone loves them! They are great. Jesse was a great person to spend the day with. For all the many artists I know in Chicago, I haven't really found anyone who shares my taste in music. I know people whose tastes overlap with mine, sure, but there's gotta be someone else out there who's crazy for vocal harmonies, horn sections, lyrics and banjos. And maybe a crooner and an acoustic guitar and a hammond organ. At the same time? Maybe. Sufjan can do it.
This week I have been subbing a little bit and working around the house. Our pantry is clean and I have a newfound appreciation for my Monday piano students. They are coming so far, and I'm getting better with my bag of tricks for teaching the class, and I really enjoy the time spent with them. This also leads to a new appreciation for my co-teacher Heather, and I'm glad we are paired together.
Cat's still cute. Made granola. Finally saw Molly's new sweet loft.
I was never much into playing dress up when I was a kid but I am really enjoying sitting here in my living room, blogging over coffee in Ben's boyscout hat, a zipup hoodie, running shorts and cowboy boots.