May I have your attention please:
We just made an INCREDIBLE breakfast. Ben and I have talked a lot about opening a restaurant someday. We would have an awesome restaurant. The things we are awesomest at making are breakfast things, sandwiches, pizzas, cookies and pies. We'd probably do a mostly breakfast place. Although today we were also talking about having a coffee shop place that had a different breakfast special every day. Pancakes one day, french toast the next, huevos rancheros the next, biscuits and gravy the next, etc. Can you imagine a coffee shop with pancakes? Fresh pancakes with your coffee? Oh man, so awesome, and then you could always get sandwiches. Egg sandwiches, or lunchy sandwiches. Maybe have some pizza specials... oh yes. Maybe one day we'll really opne this restaurant because it will be fucking AMAZING. I want to go there right now.
Please don't steal our idea.
Today, listen to this breakfast we made. I swear to god. I made the sweet, Ben made the savory. I made pancakes, apple cinnamon walnut pancakes. Fluffy, awesome, balanced just right. Ben made the best egg sandwiches ever, with ham, sharp cheddar, skinny tomato slices, a little mayo, on toasted french bread that was perfectly crispy without being scrapey. Fresh coffee, orange juice, a bite of sandwich crunchy, a sweet maple apple pancake fluffy bite... VERY AWESOME.
It was also almost two o'clock when we ate this "breakfast."
We both went out and stayed out all late last night and slept till noon like in college. It was especially fun because Ben took off work yesterday, which meant that we had two days off together like regular weekend people. We got brunch yesterday at this great place called Maple Leaf Cafe that had the best biscuits I've ever eaten. And then we went to some stores downtown and tried on jeans. And then we came home and watched the Twins game, which was a sad time. I was performing last night with Congrss of Starlings at the Old Town School, which was super fun. They were in a great mood, Aerin especially, and so comfortable onstage there, that the show was high energy and fun and wonderful. We had their drummer and bass player too. It was great. Here we are:

After the show we hung around the school for First Friday, and then went to the bar next door for fries and a couple of beers. It was a good crew; Aerin, Andrea, Laura, Meg, Erin, her friend whose name I can't remember and me. We spent a lot of the time talking in shoddy Spanish about Jesus Christ Superstar. And then there was dramatic singing of the line "SEE MY PURSE I'M A POOR POOR MAN."
I went back with Andrea and Aerin to their place to help unload the gear, and then we hung around late into the night, dancing and laughing and singing and talking and being hysterical. Ben and I both got home around 3:30 and each thought the other was a burgular. Then we ate cookies and went to bed at 4.
And then eventually when we woke up, we made the aforementioned Fabulous Breakfast. It was good to have some extra fun time after a long, kind of shitty feeling week. Today we're gonna go check out some thrift stores and then Abbey is in town and we're gonna have dinner at Smoke Daddy with her and Jess. I love it when there's fun stuff.
reading your food blogs often make me wish I could obliterate the food currently in my stomach and magically cut and paste your awesome dishes in there instead. Today I opened the fridge and found nothing in there. By nothing I mean some chicken broth and rice milk, but nothing brunchy because I've been sick and busy and therefore haven't gone grocery shopping. Bottom line: I ate instant oatmeal with rice milk instead of your awesome breakfast, which just makes me sad and makes me miss you more. smooches, J
I agree. It is somehow cruel of you to describe this awesome brunch without sharing it with us readers. My peanutbutter and toast just pales in comparison. I wish you 2 lived at my my chefs. I can speak from experience...they make an awesome team. If I ever have extra money...I'd invest it in your coffee/breakfast/sandwich shoppe.
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